Friday 27 July 2018

Cup stacking

This terms Theme is "move ya body" and today my home class did cup stacking challenge 1 person per group and I was one of them I got 21.32. What I learnt was that not only your body movement are important to you but it is also about our mine controlling. Some new words I learnt was Role Model if you wanna be a role model then don't say it but show it. Encourage. Encourage means when you see your team mate is stuck then help or push them to do something that they want to do.

1 comment:

  1. Talofa Adrienne, you have made some great points. Controlling the mind is crucial too, I agree. Watch out for missing punctuation. There are a few sentences that could be split into 2 or three separate sentences. Hopefully that makes sense. Feel free to ask for help from either your teacher or myself. You'll see me floating around the team 5 area.
    Keep up the good work.
